UNIQ Full Moon & Gift Shop 優一弥月礼品店
Congratulations, On The Arrival of Newborn Baby
Firstly, let us congratulate you on the arrival of your newborn. This joyous occasion will be celebrated soon and we thank you for interest in our range of Halal full moon packages. You will find that our full moon packages would be the perfect gift in terms of food quality, services, packaging and pricing.
首先,恭喜您喜获初生儿.我们了解您即将庆祝孩子满月的大喜日子,也感谢您对我们的HALAL满月配套的兴趣.我们的满月礼品无论在食品的品质, 服务,包装或价格方面,都将符合您的要求,绝对是一个完美的礼物.

Celebrate Newborn Full Moon 庆祝初生儿满月
To assist you with the celebration, our Uniq Full Moon Gift Pack has been thoughtfully designed for this happy occasion with family members and friends. Our speciality, the Nyonya Ang Koo comes in two special designs, ‘Toh’ (peach) is representing your baby girl and ‘Yi’ (round and plain) is representing your baby boy. Despite our wide range, you can also customize some of the packages according to your wishes and preference. Rest assure that your relatives and friends who receive your Uniq Full Moon gift will be very impressed.
我们的满月礼品经过精心设计,解决您为准备礼品的烦恼,让您能尽心尽意与亲朋戚友庆祝这个大喜日子.我们的招牌礼品,有两个特别的设计,”桃”代表女婴,而”圆”代表男婴.尽管我们的满月礼品配套种类繁多,您还是可 以依据自己的意愿和偏爱设计自己的礼品配套.我们保证当您的亲朋戚友收到您的礼品时,肯定会非常满意,并且对您的礼品留下深刻的印象.